a tiny-self portrait of myself! woohoo! yippee!

jess the wait who are you

yoooo this is jess the fungus, on most social media my tag is @jessthefungus.

my names jessica rowell (no, its not a real name, im trans, i made it up) but i honestly prefer just jess! my pronouns are she/her.
I love my frens and they love me (i hope)

My interests/hobbies are (in the order of frequency):
- Digital art
- Playing videogames
- Cooking/Baking
- Writing
- Failing to code

Looking to find more information on my lgbtq identities, labels and relationship stances? ok creep, here.

Here, soon enough, a gallery might be!

And here, soon enough, a naughty gallery might be. I'd say don't enter if ur <18 but thats hypocritical

Wanna hear at ppl who have hurt me and now im a bitch abt it? this page is for you!

Here is a journal which i will hopefully occasionally update. Potentially disturbing topics ahead.