Warning! This is a zone where i rant abt some people from my past.

Id ask you to not go out of their way to find and harass them, but tsk that sounds so cool n stuff... i mean if you do at least show me screenies.

please take me back to main im scared

here goes nothing! story abour person number 1. not because theyre super cool but bcs thats like the most significant of all of them... We'll call him M bcs thats the first letter of his name ok so there was this guy i met in like early 2022. we found that we have very many mutual interests despite these interests not actually being so related, like TBOI, OMORI, etc. and so it went surprisingly well, iirc we were friends since like february. but then something like very weird happened. so i was just sitting on a calm may evening as my school was almost over and doing nothing. then he just starts randomly calling me alongside some unknown number. after i got rlly panicked up i asked him wtf was going on. as a small kid i was rlly scared and bcs of my parents i didnt pick up. i asked our mutual friend to do, but it was too late. as he had explained back them his mom got rlly weird with his online friends and just wanted to know who tf are we. anyway so then he said that he wont be able to be as active BUT he would still manage to exchange a few words. ofc, that got me very mentally fucked up, i cried and cried and cried and cried and M would be able to exchange a few words once or twice a month. and you know what? even that worked for me! he even managed to give me a happy birthday. but then in fall he stopped. yep! just stopped. obviously i got really worried. for a couple months i didnt try to reach out, but closer to winter i started to reach out. i'd call and message him EVERYWHERE, just hoping to have a sign that he's well and guess what? after MONTHS of trying to reach out, he responded! surprise-surprise! but hey, why am i ranting then? because the responces were dismissive, agressive and hateful. i have no idea whats gotten into him, but i was really hurt. WHOS THE BITCHY GHOST OF THE PAST NOW, HUH? HUH?